21 March 2010

Ireland here we come

Everything is packed and in the storage space, save for what we are taking with us and what will be packed into the car to leave at my parents.  Altogether I estimate that it was more than 800kg worth of stuff, and that was after Audrey and I tried our best to throw out as much as possible.

My back was aching yesterday from all the heavy lifting, the day after all was done, but we still had to go back to sort a few things out (the fact I seemed to have forgotten to have packed any socks was a leading factor).  I was still impressed that Audrey and I were able to pack everything into a small van and get it into storage in about 4 hours (thanks Scott for your help).

So from that day onwards, we've been basically living out of our backpacks. It's not quite the start of the trip, and certainly it does not feel like it yet, but it's a beginning.  We're going to have to get used to living with the minimum amount of underwear etc., but it's a comfortable place to get started.

Roll on Ireland!


Katie said...

woot! have fun!!! i'll keep a close eye on here =D